Sunday, January 6, 2008

Thanks for the wonderful gift!

To the makers of Polly Pockets clothing,

Thank you so much for your ingenious way of ensuring my daughter and I get to spend quality time together. She's at an age where she is actually interested and capable of playing by herself for moderate stretches of time, but your thoughtfulness has ensured that she will still need me by her side. No need for me to fill the empty space in my life with a good book or a hobby of my own. No, your brilliant design for impossible to put on rubber clothes for tiny plastic dolls keeps my daughter at my side, or at the very least, bellowing for me across the house. And certainly I treasure all the time I spend with my gorgeous daughter. Thank you for providing just one more way to stretch that time out.

And a special kudos in regards to the shoes. I would have thought that Barbie shoe designers had perfected the art of tiny shoes that never stay on a doll's feet, but you truly have taken the art to the next level. And they are so tiny! How do you make them? And the fashion trend you are surely starting... you know, the mismatched shoe trend (because the other one was lost/sucked up in the vacuum/eaten by the cat) is sure to hit the runways anytime now, and I certainly think you deserve all the credit.

You are so thoughtful, and clearly know not just what every little girl will crave, but what every mother is just dying to have in her home.

Many thanks for making every day like a holiday,

Painted Maypole

This post is a Monday Mission, today's mission was to write a post in the form of a thank you letter. You don't have to be sarcastic, a true and heartfelt thank you letter is welcome as well. Or any other kind of thank you that strikes your fancy. If you write your own Thank You post, put a link for it below, and then go visit all the other Monday Missions!

Future Monday Missions:
1/14- Movie Synopsis
1/21- Award Nominations (this is a change, in honor of the Oscar Nominations that will be announced the next day. Your nominations can be for any kind of award you wish!)
1/28- Children's book or poem

Remember: Monday Missions are a jumping off point. I suggest a style for writing a post, and I love to see where your creativity takes you. There are no real "rules," other than don't put your link in the widget if you haven't written a post in response to the Mission. However you want to interpret the mission, though, is up to you. It is basically to get you to play around with different styles of writing. Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Well, lucky, lucky you!! What a treat you two have there! And yes, they deserve ALL the credit! I'll be sure to tell my friends too!

Anonymous said...

oh dear, oh dear.

Girlplustwo said...

i love these missions of yours.

thailandchani said...

Finally gave it a try. :)

shay said...

Well I posted one before I read this BUT it's not officially Monday yet so there's still time.

PS: I hate those silly polly things too and couldn't stop laughing at your "thankful" post.

Family Adventure said...

It is at times like these that I am thankful for my boys :)


Badness Jones said...

Heh! My just 4 year old got paper dolls for Christmas....I know just how you feel.

the dragonfly said...

I remember hearing you talk about this when at your house one time, and about how you really didn't want those things in your house. *sigh*


Amy Y said...

I just have to say... things like Barbies, Polly Pocket & Hannah Montana make me happy I have boys! Give me Legos, Matchbox cars and Transformers any day! ;)

Bon said...

dude, this is fabulous.

and really? worse than Barbie shoes? i'm agog.

Anonymous said...

"bellowing across the house"

Oh, PM, you NAILED this one. Absolutely every word.

(I recommend the Polly Pocket sorting bureau - the drawers have graduated grids that sort the items and they lock closed.)

Jennifer said...

Polly Effing Pockets, they should be called.

Love the letter, PM!

Mad said...

that bon, she's funny what with her little boy and all. OH YES! FAR WORSE THAN BARBIE SHOES.

We have a Polly Pocket. I keep her on a high shelf and she only comes out once in a blue moon.

You hit the nail on the head with this one. Hey, where is Mr. Linky so we can add ours? said...

So true!

Jen said...

Oh the dreaded Polly Pockets!!! I feel your pain sister. My girls were into those for a looong time.

Don Mills Diva said...

Love it - that was great. I think I may take up the challenge for the award one!

Beck said...

I now think that my vaccuum cleaner actually runs on Polly shoes. And wee expensive playmobil doohickeys.

Julie Pippert said...


I feel ya, I do. LOL

I finally got mine done and up. :)

Chrissy said...

My thoughts exactly. And how hard would it have been to just paint Polly's shoes on the way they have painted her underwear on? I guess I should be thankful I don't have to fool with tiny Polly underwear.

Kat said...

I would also like to thank the maker of Legos and Lincoln Logs for their millions of pieces.

the dragonfly said...

Just posted mine. It wasn't at all what I'd planned...

Anonymous said...

I wrote about gratitude today, without realizing that it was the mission! So, I won't put it in the widget, but just know we must be on the same wavelength.

BipolarLawyerCook said...

Why on earth would you want time to yourself?

Jen said...

Too hysterical! I loved this!!!!

Kellan said...

How funny!! You are so right - who on earth came up with those little rubber clothes?! When I find a lost little shoe on the floor in my daughter's room - I just throw it in the trash. I do.

Take care. Kellan

carrie said...

I know. I wish so badly that I had no idea what you were talking about, but no - I do.

May the force be with you -

Anonymous said...

Funny letter. Makes me kinda glad I have a son. : )

Rima said...

Very funny, PM!

Those blasted Polly Pockets. I would love to know who invented them.

Alex Elliot said...

I would also add that they are a sure way to break your vacuum cleaner or at the very least make you jump 2 feet when you roll over one with it. Yes, I have two boys, but we do own a small set of them.

alejna said...

Too funny. We haven't yet been lucky enough to get those. I will look forward to the together time.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

HEE-larious. Maybe boys aren't so bad. :)

NotSoSage said...

Haha! Mme L got a Cabbage Patch for Christmas, and darned if her shoes don't stay on those chubby feet, either! It's a scam to get us to fill their shoe closets as full as ours. I'm sure of it!

Kristi B said...

This is hilarious! I hate those little Polly Pockets clothes and shoes! the clothes are impossible to get on, and they break sooo easily. Someone I know told me to put baby powder on the clothes and that some how makes them easier to put on but I haven't had any luck with that. Oh, and my favorite? the shoes for the DOGS. That's just what we need--even tinier shoes for the pet dogs---and four of them to lose!

thirtysomething said...

YES! Don't forget the tiny little cars with the tiny little peo-ple...from Polly as well. Those need mentioning for sure.

niobe said...

This is hilarious. I love your descriptions.

MARY G said...

I love your letter. Sorry to miss the Mission this week -- I'll get back in the groove, hopefully.
Dear little shoes -- we had a shag rug when my girls were at the Barbie stage. I was still raking shoes out of the rug when they were away at university.
Funny and true!

girlymom said...

Did you know that Polly Pocket acessories vacuum up nicely? Oops. They drive me crazy- barbie shoes too! I like groovy girls, the kids can dress and undress by themselves and they are bigger so I don't get them with the vacuum. Thanks for the chuckle, good to know I am not the only frustrated polly mom.

Victoria said...

I will poke, directly in the eye, very hard, the first person who gifts my darling daughter Polly Pockets. I will inflict pain...seriously.


ewe are here said...


Very amusing.

Tania said...

Sarcasm? I didn't detect any sarcasm.

Furrow said...

Note to self: Polly Pockets do not exist. If Zo.ra notices them and asks for them, I will convince her that they are not real. She made them up in her head. Hey, it's her sanity or mine, and an insane parent is a dangerous thing.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of you yesterday - I was at friend's house and it was littered with those silicon polly dolly clothes. I have a new found appreciation for the lego - which is doubtful more painful to step on.

Magpie said...

i am hoping to keep those out of my house.