1. Click on this link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random
The first title on the page is the name of your band.
2. Click on this link: http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3
The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
3. Finally, click on this link: http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days/
The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover. You then take the pic and add your band name and the album title to it, then post your picture.
I think my band is destined for stardom, and way better than the band "syke" that I dreamed of forming when I was a child. Here is our album:

Freigraf is currently holding auditions. As this band and album are by-products of other activities (like blogging) it seems only fitting that I audition you, my fellow bloggers. The hook of the band, of course, is that we make music out of non-musical things (by-products of other activities... get it??). So if you have a talent for making your keyboard sing or your mighty winds blow or any other sound that may fit in to this eclectic album of cover songs (ranging from musical theatre to hard rock) please leave me a comment, and I'll contact you for an audition.
And I think I may just have a knack for this designing covers thing, so I decided it would be fun to look at some of the CDs in my collection, and propose some updated covers for them. What do you think?

(steal this meme! I'd love to see what albums you come up with!)
Very clever! I would steal the meme but I don't know how to put the names on the pictures! LOL
So.. I'm a Luddite, among many other significant attributes. :)
See you in a couple of weeks!
Ha! I love the Barenaked Ladies cover...I'm pretty sure I've seen that picture somewhere before. :)
I love this meme, what both ewe and you can up with.
Not the point, I know, but look how incredibly cute that blue-and-green paint combo is. And built-ins! I'm drooling over the built-in.
You are having way too much fun over here. Keep it up.
Ooooo....great meme. And I love the album covers.
Can I be the girl in the band who shakes the tamborine? Such a great band job.
Have I mentioned before that I love the color palette in your house? I think I have...
I would totally buy your album. But I think my favorite is the cover for "OU812."
And I am so stealing this meme. Thanks!
I got tagged for this meme too - I love it! Maybe you should drive cracks me up!
I have an award for you over at my place, btw.
If you're still auditioning, I have a large variety of kitchen implements, if you're looking for a clangy, bangy percussive sound.
What a great idea! I love it!
I have a plethora of harmonicas, slit drums, jangly things and many flutes with and without keys.
Oh my gosh, that's funny. My friend Bonnie did it this morning, too:
Oh my gosh, that's funny. My friend Bonnie did it this morning, too:
Such creative covers - when my band takes off, I'm getting you to do the cover art:)
Hi, PM-- there's a little bit of "bling" waiting for you over at my blog...
xo CGF
AWESOME! I did mine today and I am just loving watching this one make the rounds.
I'm really enjoying watching what everyone else is coming up with too.... love your other covers.
Oooh, I like your album. I can play the bottles ... I like to blow across them to make silly noises.
And Barenaked Ladies is my favorite cover below.
Those are fantastic! And the photo for the Enya album is amazing. LOVE.
These absolutely ROCKED! Made my day!
How cool is this? This is very cool!
How cool is this? This is very cool!
OH my PM. This was freaking AWESOME! I so love that Indigo Girls cover. Tee hee hee.
Rock on! I love Lapse of Reason.
I'm loving these everywhere I see them.
BTW, I scrolled down to see the other comments on you accent post and to see if you had offered insight on the rules pertaining to two languages on stage but GASP it's gone. How come?
That is seriously awesome!
Great idea. I wish their were more days for me to do all of these things you (and ewe) manage to come up with.
Wow. Where did you find the time to do all of that?!?!? Cool.
BTW - I tagged you over on my blog too - come see!
Painted Maypole -- you do have a knack for this!!! My fav is the Cure, All Mixed Up!!!
Thank you...
You may have found your calling.
LOL! These are great.
That Enya one makes me very afraid...
That was awesome!
Especially the Indigo Girls one!
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