Friday, May 29, 2009

Oh, you are all so lovely, taking my whole Post Show Depression thing so seriously. Truly touched. Feeling a bit sheepish, like it really shouldn't be that big of a deal, but maybe you're right. Maybe I do need to be a bit kinder to myself.

Except that I have 80 bajillion things to do to get ready for Vacation Bible School on Monday (which, you know, I'm in charge of. As always) and when I'm not doing that I'm trying to entertain my grandfather who is visiting from Florida ("I thought you said you wouldn't be too busy this week and it was a good time to visit?") and tonight we watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and for some reason I had no idea there was this "looking back/present day" element to it that was all centered around Katrina's imminent arrival, and I had no idea that it would be so difficult to watch (even though I myself evacuated, and Lord knows I've watched and read and heard first hand a gazillion REAL Katrina stories) and all I really wanted to do was weep.

But perhaps making up numbers is a good sign that I'm getting over my PSD? I'm not giving numbers like 1729 (which, by the way, is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways. In case you were wondering. Which you weren't.)

And there I go again...


Jen said...

I haven't been writing because I'm trying to get through post-school-year depression, so to speak.

I know that feeling you described so, so well - from theater days and beyond.

I hope things get much easier soon!

Woman in a Window said...

Hope you're healing Maypole. I've yet to go back and read up, but I'm thinking maybe it's like after I travelled and then came home. Home was so ordinary compared to the travel, it was hard to just be. Hope you're well.

(I want to watch Benjamin Button this weekend. Are you saying don't?)

Anonymous said...

AAAGH! VBS! Scaryscaryscary!

JCK said...

That movie really caught me by surprise. I cried so much.

I hope you pull out of PSD soon. I can't believe it is time for your bible school thing again already. A year!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Did you put numbers in this post, because all of a sudden my brain feels fuzzy.

I'm sorry your suffering PSD :-( I think it's kind of a mourning process stepping out of something that has been consuming your time and thoughts for any period of time. I hope your VBS begins great and cheers you up :-)

I have to finish that movie...

All Rileyed Up said...

I had no idea that Katrina was part of Benjamin Button's storyline.

Beck said...

I haven't watched Benjamin Button yet, but I might. I'm finicky about movies to the point where I watch almost none, and it's not because my taste is so great but because as I get older, my tolerance for anything sad/stressful/scary is vanishing.