Sunday, November 18, 2007

the curtain closes

Today was our last performance for L@ Tr@viat@. I felt like I was just getting into the groove of it and really enjoying the performances (instead of stressing out about remembering it all) and they are over. I will likely never sing that beautiful music again. Except in the shower. Or my car.

Our soprano had not yet recovered, and our previous replacement couldn't do this show, so we had yet ANOTHER Violett@. This one was also phenomenal, and just nice as can be. However, I do think the musical soprano game was stressing out our director just a tad.

I'm sad to see it end, but ever so glad I had the opportunity to do it. How many people get to say they sang in a professional opera? Precious few. Too few. I never would have dreamed I would end up there. I auditioned for the theatre's season with a song from Avenue Q. Um... one of these things is not like the other! And yet here I am, singing Italian Opera and enjoying it. Sometimes I surprise even myself.

Speaking of surprising myself I will be surprised if I can come up with anything worthwhile for this Monday's Mission(how is that for a segue? Poor, I know, but it is 1:35 in the morning. Give me a break), which is to write a post as a spiel for a (real or imaginary) charity. But please, think of your own brilliant post and come back here on Monday and share it with everyone. I will be wracking my own brain over the next 20 hours or so. After I sleep. Ah... sleep....

Buona notte


the dragonfly said...

You auditioned with a song from Avenue Q? Which one? That is way too fun. :)

I'm really glad you got to be in the opera, even if it was stressful and different and having too many sopranos. It's an experience you'll have forever! (Still wish I could have seen it...)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to see it end. I know that bittersweet feeling from HS! But that thrill will stay. What's next? No you tube, huh?

S said...

the experience sounded wonderful -- start to finish. i'm so glad!

Family Adventure said...

I feel like I've lived this experience with you. And I'm sad that it's over, too. I'm so glad that everything went so well, despite the soprano challenges!

What's our...ehem...I mean *your* next project?

PS; LOVED Avenue Q.

Anonymous said...

glad you really enjoyed your show. What an experience.

Avenue Q? wow, i would have liked to see that audition. love that show.

Suz said...

Sounds like an experience truly worthy of staying up until early in the morning for! I'm so glad that you got to do it!

Anonymous said...

The Monday Mission is PERFECT b/c I was just thinking of a post like that. Seriously. said...

Glad you got to have such a great experience! Just think of what this opportunity may have opened the doors to for you...

flutter said...

I wish I could have gone to see you!

Julie Pippert said...

Such an achievement and accomplishment!

Congrats to you...and may it be a sweet ending.

Using My Words

thailandchani said...

It sounds like an awesome experience. Something tells me you'll do it again one day. :)

Kat said...

What an experience, indeed. Thank you for taking us along. I really enjoyed living vicariously through you.

Rima said...

Glad you enjoyed being in the production. I don't know what it was with the sopranos this weekend, but our soprano soloist was down for the count, too (although I did manage to sing my little heart out :)

soccer mom in denial said...

Buona notte indeed mia cara! I'm so sorry I couldn't see what sounds like an amazing performance!

Anonymous said...

Good for you for challenging yourself. You are a great role model for your daughter.

Bon said...

congrats on a great run.

and the charity piece? sounds cool. will try.

Magpie said...

Congratulations - It sounds like it was a real treat.

Christine said...

i'm so glad it all went well and that you liked doing something new.

crazymumma said...

What it must feel like to put a character away. In my thinking of alter egos last week, I thought of that.

Singing in the shower is a good thing. Let er rip.

Amy Y said...

I am sure this is bittersweet for you... Hope you enjoy your sleep though!

Jen said...

Closing a show is always hard! And btw... I absolutely love Avenue Q! Which song did you choose?

Run ANC said...

Seriously? You auditioned for Opera with Avenue Q??? You're brave. And apparently phenomenally talented.

Run ANC said...

Seriously? You auditioned for Opera with Avenue Q??? You're brave. And apparently phenomenally talented.