Aarrrgh! Beware, ye scurvy knaves. There be rumors that the dread pirate May Queen is on the prowl for shiny treasure. This dangerous lass of the high seas has not one, not two, but THREE parrots. And lest ye be gettin' all soft on me and thinkin' how cute these birdies be, let me tell you that they are fierce and cunning fighters and looters. They will swoop down and steal your shiny stuff. 

(Happy Talk like a Pirate Day, mates!)
Okay. Where'd the parrots come from? :)
Love that pic!
You are the second person who has mentioned Talk Like A Pirate Day today ~ I've never heard of it before! Strange...
Last year I actually did an elaborate theme lunch for my daughter on Talk Like A Pirate Day, which embarrased her nearly to death. I rock.
And what a cute little pirate...
Chani - this picture was taken at Xel-Ha water park, south of CanCun. They charged us $12 for this picture, but I have to say I think it was money well spent. Better than any school picture, hands down.
"Be that the Spanish Main? Or did you take a wrong turn at Bora Bora?"
(from one of my kids' favorite books!)
And with hair more golden than dubloons, aye she's a beaut, that one, a real beaut.
She is a cutie pie!
FABULOUS picture. SHe's so cool not to be afraid of the birds. And it was nice of her to coordinate her outfit with the birds.
A colleague stopped me in the hall to tell me it was Talk Like a Pirate Day and I thought he was having me on.
But I guess it was!
i love it.
What a brave girl! I would seriously FREAK out with those huge birds on me!!!
What a great memory, well worth the $12.
Blast it, I can't think of anything piraty.
Very nice for the big day. Great shot.
AWESOME picture..and I was catching up...MQ having a tough time at school it seems..but glad things are on the upswing. It is SO hard to see your kids hurt at the hands of others, especially when they are extra sensitive. Hugs.
That is a fantastic picture! How did you get the parrots on her?
Adorable. And here I was thinking the parrots were photoshopped.
she's a fine pirate, that MayQueen...though i too thought the parrots were photoshopped at first. now that i look at her arms and know they're real - wow. brave kid. very cool.
How cute is that photo! ARRRR!
Using My Words
I TOTALLY missed out on this occasion this year. I've got to get a better calendar.
And... I love the picture. Her fearlessness totally rocks. Must be all the sharks hanging around in the house.
What an amazing photo!
She be a cute one, that May Queen.
(And I love it that one of the parrots is perched atop her head.)
my daughter would have run screaming from the birds.
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