Sunday, August 30, 2009

Monday, Monday

Tomorrow begins September (where DOES the time go?), and I think I promised (or at least intimated) that Monday Missions would return in September after our summer break.

What are Monday Missions, you ask? Well. Monday Missions are a weekly (every Monday! Imagine that! Although I usually get mine up on Sunday to get the ball rolling...) carnival designed to encourage us to post in a certain style. I have found them to be very fun, and I usually use them humorously, but they don't have to be funny. They are basically a jumping off point for your imagination; encouragement for you to think outside of the the box; a chance to try writing in a different style. It's not a contest and there's no hard and fast rules; people have been known to take their posts in some fun and surprising directions. Sometimes they are just a complete break from the normal blogging topics, often people use them to share current information in a new and fun way. They can be funny or touching or technical.

You are welcome to play along for any and all, or none at all, as your fancy strikes you.

I try to announce the upcoming month of missions so your brain can get working, post reminders about the upcoming mission on the end of a Friday or Saturday post, and get mine up late-ish on a Sunday to get the ball rolling.

I've come up with a slate of September Monday Missions, but would LOVE your suggestions for the future. New ideas and resurrection of old ones you enjoyed totally welcome.

Your September Missions, should you choose to accept them (and it would be so nice if you would accept at least one) are to write posts in the style of:

Sept 7 - A letter to a teacher

Sept 14 - A facebook status (with or without comments. or maybe a series of statuses? play with it!)

Sept 21 - A photo essay - tell your story completely through pictures

Sept 22 - A resume


Louise said...

I want to do it;I really do! (Monday Missions are how I found you.) I won't promise, but I'll try.

kayerj said...

Hooray! I'm excited--thanks for hosting :)

Ambassador said...

Likewise, no promises, but it is good impetus to get me back in the habit of writing. Thanks for stopping by - I actually posted AGAIN today...scary, I know...

MARY G said...

I'm in! Nice set of Sept topics and I will think on ideas. Bless you for doing this.

Jen said...

Um... maybe. I love the FB status MM! I actually HAVE to write letters to teachers next Monday, so I may not want to do blog with those, lol.