I never buy books. Well, rarely. Usually I borrow books from the library. I might buy a book at a thrift store or from the shelf at my library where you can pick up a paperback for a quarter. Friends pass on books to me or I might get a book as a gift. On a rare occasion I'll order a book online... usually a theatre book that my library doesn't have.
So how is it that this is my stack of "books to be read?"
(*note: this is only a partial stack. I know I have a few more books tucked away that didn't make it into this pile*)And what am I reading now? Am I making my way through this stack? Nope. I'm rereading the Harry Potter series (something I've been meaning to do ever since the last book came out two years ago).
How about you? Do you buy books? How big is your stack?
Also... any in that stack that you recommend I move to the top of the list? (you know, when I'm done with Harry Potter...)
I have a similar list. Many of them are things that I'm embarrassed I haven't read yet. I went through a good 3-4 year period (that I'm just getting out of) where I couldn't bear the thought of reading fiction. Just burned out of it. (Except Harry Potter. Priorities.)
I read Kate Pinkalicious! tonight and thought of you. :-)
My stack is a similar height. I *do* buy books but I have to have a good reason for the purchase. I can't comment on the choices. I will say that I was really disappointed by The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Several of your books are books I want to read!
I have a whole room.....*blush*
I have more books than one person should have and I need more. I think, in my older age, I am going to start collecting weird old books.
I'm a read them as I get them person. I don't like books just hanging around waiting for me. So if I go to the library I only check out what I'm going to read. If I buy I only buy the book I'm going to read, and I only like to buy books I know I'm going to keep because space at my house is so limited.
Like Flutter, I have a room full of books. I also have boxes of paperbacks that I have not sorted since we moved out here, all old favourites, paperbacks. I go to the library once every three weeks and bring home six books.
I read 1.) in the bathroom, 2.) compulsively before bedtime, and 3.) whenever I can justify it the rest of the time.
I have four unread books in the stack at the moment, one of which I tried to get into and couldn't.
So, now you know. I'm an addict.
I usually have 2 that I am reading at one time (right now, that's "A World Without Us" and "When You Are Engulfed In Flames", but my friends know that books are an easy gift for me (read: EASY) so I have another 6 or so waiting on the shelf (The Ornament of the World, The Queen and I, The Wordy Shipmate, etc.).
There are books I will always re-read (just finished the last HP again) and cannot part with - others, I will either pass on to someone else or put in our annual sidewalk sale.
Booksbooksbooksbooks. Love 'em.
I never, ever, ever buy books. Well, hardly ever. We have so many of them around the house that we've been selling some of them off to a local secondhand store.
I don't buy them anymore, unless I know I will definitely have time to spend reading, like on vacation or term break. Otherwise I never get around it it.
Ha. I'm re reading HP as well. Actually, we're reading #7 as a family. Instead of watching tv in the evenings, we've been reading a chapter or two before the girls go to bed. It's been really fun. (The Battle of Hogwarts is tonight's installment. eep.)
I am also perpetually reading Anne Lamott. I read Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert this summer and loved it. (I hear they've made it into a movie.) I think Secrets of the Fire King is next on my nightstand.
Oooh. Also, I haven't read Me Talk Pretty One Day, yet. I might run out and get that one today.
I do see Oyster in there . . . I think you got that from me at one of our swaps. I thought it was decent. Worth moving to the top? Well, I can't say as I can't make out the other books in the stack and quite frankly it is probably the only one in your stack I have read!
Duh. I clicked on the image and voila! It got bigger. I see you have a few of mine! I am actually amazed cuz it seems I don't read anymore . . . The Last Girls . . . don't even remember what that is about so keep that on the bottom.
Reading Lolita in Tehran. I never made it through that one but heard it was great. Maybe it is more up your alley.
If I had to pick I would pick "There's a slight chance I am going to hell!" LMAO!
I buy books. I love to own books. I love to loan them to people. I write my name and the date inside the front every time I ready one, and I make the borrowers do the same. I love the records. I have no idea how many are in my "to read" pile at the moment! I admire you for using the library. I wish I could do that more often, but if I really liked it, I would want to buy it. I'm an idiot like that.
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