It's leap day! Are you doing anything special today?
My cat loves being out here on the porch, although he REALLY wants to get outside. He is not an outdoor cat. I'm sure he thinks we put the bird feeder out there just to taunt him.
Tomorrow starts a new month, which means new Monday missions! Your March Missions, should you choose to accept them, are to write posts in the style of:
3/3 A voicemail message
3/10 The voice of someone or someTHING else in your home (here's your toaster's chance to tell all!)
3/17 An obituary
3/24 Easter week - I'll have family in town... take the week off.
3/31 A political ad
And finally... Jenn of Serving the Queens tagged me for a meme wherein I'm supposed to show you a picture of my bedroom. Jenn showed a lovely picture of her room , with an inspiring poem painted on the wall. I was tempted to clean up in order to do this, but as you can see, I didn't.

My room is normally a mess. I'm not a neat person by nature, and then the bedroom is upstairs and down a hallway, so it doesn't even get the "people are coming over, must clean up NOW" moments of cleaning. Admittedly, having been sick for a month now, it's a bit worse than usual, but not too much.
I never make my bed. Well, rarely. Why bother when you're just going to sleep in it later? Besides, I took a nap this morning. The side of the bed is usually piled up with reading material and discarded clothes, as you can see. The big book is the complete novels of Jane Austen. I'm still reading Emma (the book is so big I didn't take it with me on vacation... I read Lovely Bones instead). Under it is 'Tis, a gift from the director of my show. I'm looking forward to reading that, but after Angela's Ashes, of course, which I conveniently have in my "to read" pile, anyways. You can see the elliptical machine, which, despite my best intentions, has been unused lo these 5 weeks of fighting the plague. At least it doesn't have clothes hanging from it.
The rest of the bedroom looks much the same... the cedar chest piled with clothes to put away, the chair piled with clothes to hand wash, and the dresser piled with... junk, I guess.
I will refrain from tagging anyone, but if you feel like posting a picture of your messy (please, please tell me I'm not the only one!) bedroom I would feel much better.
Blogging on your porch!!! Luckyyyy. It's about 18 degrees here (that would be today's high temp).
You rock, posting a real picture of your bedroom!
Happy new laptop :)
Oh, my bedroom is awful. Truly awful. The Sergeant doesn't like to make the bed (although I try to, I feel like if the bed is made it doesn't look so bad!), and he also has the annoying habit of leaving his clothes on the floor instead of bringing them to the hamper in the bathroom. To combat this I told him I'd only wash the clothes that are in the bathroom, (I'm your wife, not your maid!) but it didn't work. His clothes just pile up on the bedroom floor. *sigh*
In other words...hooray for a new laptop!! I hope you're enjoying it! And I hope you can get your pictures and things off the old hard drive..
You aren't the only one! Why is it I can go in and clean my children's rooms, dust vacuum and all, but then the vacuum just sits in my room, I am so unmotivated to clean it. Lucky bum- you got a nap!
I am not as brave as you though, I might have to tidy up a tad before posting a shot.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Leap day really ought to be a special holiday.
I huddled inside and cursed the biting wind and below freezing temps.
I should post pictures of my bedroom, just to get advice about furniture placement. It's long, with four doors, three windows, and a fireplace. I'm stumped.
Ooooooo, if I blogged on my porch, my computer would be covered with snow!
You will love having that laptop! I don't know what I did without mine. And I just might take you up on the bedroom photo posting idea. I've been posting pictures of me and my house left and right lately.
And by the way, I love the March Missions! I need to get back into doing those again. Have a great weekend, PM!
Outdoor blogging? So lucky. I can't wait for spring weather to kick in...
And I love the woodwork on your bed.
Your bedroom is neat and tidy compared to mine, if that makes you feel any better.
A breeze huh? On your screened porch!? I was lucky that it got up to 35 today so I could walk the kids to school!!!
I'm happy it's nice for you... and I'm messy too, but ... I try to keep up appearances so that I have authority when I tell the boys to clean their rooms.
your bed is beautiful!
Congrats on the laptop! Blogging on the porch sounds lovely. Well, on your porch. It was only about 20 degrees out on my porch today. And cold fingers don't type so well.
As for the bedroom, my bedroom makes your bedroom look downright neat. (However, I'm not brave enough to post a photo right now. People usually thinking I'm exaggerating about the messiness of our house to be funny. They'd be scared to see the actual wreckage. Or perhaps feel smugly superior. Can't have that.)
Ooo, a new laptop! I'm so jealous! Enjoy, enjoy.
And I love your bedroom. The blue walls are gorgeous and your bed looks so cozy.
I am so, so jealous of your laptop! Now...I will be one of the ones longing for one.
Your bed is gorgeous!
I hope you are feeling better!
Well, I think my bedroom is not messy because there is basically nothing in it - lol. Do you ever feel as if floating in the sky with that turquoise wall? I just love it.
Laptop on porch? You just planted an idea into my head *snickering*.
Oh, a laptop on a porch but a fantasy as we are dealing with yet another snow storm...
And I would love, love the notion of sitting outside anywhere where my buns do not freeze...
P.s. Your bedroom'style' is just like mine...
I got home late last night and just threw everything around. I would post a pic if I had a place to stand in there.
Love your bedstead!
Laptop, blogging on the porch........I am so jealous!
I love the color of your room - very peaceful blue! Having a laptop makes blogging very mobile - don't leave home without it:-) I am jealous about you blogging outside though - the sun is shining but I know it's way too cold to stay out for long. We set up our birdfeeder to provide live entertainment for the cats but I think I get more enjoyment from the visitors than they do. I know I appreciate their arch-enemies, the morning doves, more.
Laptops rock! Wouldn't have it any other way. :)
And I'm finally going try a Monday Mission! Thanks for posting them all like this, makes it easy to plan.
We've got gorgeous weather here too. All windows flung open.
Jealous about the laptop.
Will try to do the Monday Mission.
LOL I had not had time to get around to many blogs so missed your posting. I am glad I finally got by the see your room. It's not as bad as you make it out to be LOL.
I am a neatnik by nature, though, so yeah my room is always tidy.
Also! I have THE SAME complete Jane Austen (I think). I got out shopping one day with Kyla.
That looks like my room! Yay! And sounds like it too. We have as running board in there with a sole purpose of holding clothes that don't always make it to their drawers and such. I always feel badly when people post neat and tidy photos of their bedrooms and such, because that so isn't me. LOL.
I'm so glad we have matching bedrooms.
And I loved The Lovely Bones, hope you did too!
And, sorry for another 'and', Congrats on the new computer and being able to sit on your screened porch to blog -- sounds heavenly!
Your bedroom looks just like mine!
I love the wall color in your bedroom. I'm always impressed by people who (unlike me) are able to take the plunge and paint their walls some color other than white. Though I do have a variety of shades of white in my house, so that must count for something.
I like this bedroom meme and I think that you may have inspired me to do it.
I just got my laptop I can use our wifi and blog from my sofa!!!
Hey! I have the same elliptical!
I would have loved to share photos of my old bedroom in our home we sold, but th, huh? one here in this's just sadly neglected. I guess that tells a story on it's own.
Yay new laptop!!
Pic of a non-tidied bedroom? You go girl! 'Cept I'd have to clean mine up slightly to even have it looking as nice as yours! LOL!
Hey Painted Maypole, thanks for visiting my blog. It was nice to see that you stopped by.
I shutter to think about taking a picture of my bedroom. Yikes! I used to be a good housekeeper. Now...I don't know what to tell you. I am fighting back though. More and more things (that I haven't used in the past 10-15-20 years) are finding their was to the trash's helping too.
Yay new laptop (and warm weather). I love that you did not clean up your room for that shot. And I love the color!
congrats on the laptop and I love your reading list.
I always make my bed (mother-figure's voice: "If it's made, your room is 75% cleaned up"), but it doesn't seem to help the fact that the two dressers that look like Mt. St. Helens went off and of course underneath the made bed is my husband's bottomless pit (he has electrical appliances under there that don't even work in this country!). Very un-feng shui. ;-)
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