Sunday, September 7, 2008

Maypole Continuing Education

Painted Maypole began Maypole Continuing Education as an opportunity to share with others the skills that she is continually learning and improving upon in her own life. Maypole Continuing Education is proud to announce its fall course schedule:

Hurricane Evacuation
This class will cover all the basics such as watching a hurricane's progress, choosing what to save and fitting it into the back of your vehicle,where to stay and how to decide when to return home. Guest speakers will discuss how to survive in a car for long hours with children and pets, as well as how to time your travel to avoid contraflow traffic. We will also cover preparing your home before we leave. This class will have several practical labs, and although we hope to only PRACTICE these skills, the class is being held during hurricane season so we may get the chance to put them to the test. If we're really unlucky, more than once.

Cheap Entertainment
This class is all about how to find hours of entertainment for little to no money. Painted Maypole will share her tips on everything from creating backyard hummingbird theatres to buying craft projects on clearance at Michael's for anywhere from 6 to 50 cents apiece. The class will begin with a lesson on being easily amused.

Clearing the Clutter
After clearing the clutter in her kitchen, Painted Maypole feels not only somewhat like an expert, but that she's on a roll. This class will be held in PM's computer room where students will get a VERY hands on chance to learn how to clear the clutter. Lessons include "sometimes it's OK to throw it away," "if I can find it I can use it," and the commonsense "there's a better way to file things than putting them on top of the filing cabinet, and usually that means OPENING the filing cabinet."

How to Drive Your Parents Crazy and Endear Them to You at the Same Time
This class is being taught by The May Queen who refuses to reveal any further information about the course, as apparently this is a top secret formula. Class open to children under 10 years of age only.

How to Throw a Child's Birthday Party at Your Home and Enjoy It
This course will begin by discussing the differences between an off-site party and a home party and discuss ways to plan activities for children in your home that will keep them occupied, entertained, and out of your medicine cabinets. After helping to implement a Cat themed birthday party for a 6 year old, students will then have an opportunity to plan their own birthday party.


This post has been another Monday Mission. Your Mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write a post in the form of a course description. And... good news! I solved my Mister Linky problem, and now if you participate in the missions you can add your own little link below. Please put in the link to your actual POST.

Join us next week when your mission is to write a post in the form of a class syllabus.


Louise said...

This is only the second week I've seen Monday Missions, but yours are SO CREATIVE! I love how you did this.

I thought about it, but so far have not come up with a way to put it into a post. Love yours, though!

Chrissy said...

I want to sign up for the cheap entertainment class, if it's not already full. I meet the qualifications for being easily amused.

JCK said...

This was good.

Anonymous said...

I will be a guest speaker for your hurricane evacuation course. Especially for the traveling with children for long hours. Just got back from Dallas tonight. 8 hour trip took 10 hours. Lots of potty stops! No DVD in car this time!

Also, loved your Messy Art party you had that one time!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Love it! Miss Ky must've already been in your "How to Drive Parents crazy" course-- can I just say you did a fine job teaching her?
When it comes to Ike, just say "no'!

Kyla said...

"there's a better way to file things than putting them on top of the filing cabinet, and usually that means OPENING the filing cabinet."

Hahaha! I need this course!

Chantal said...

Ah good one. I wish the hurricane classes weren't so real for you. I am sorry I haven't had the brain power to participate. UGH sorry!

Tania said...

Does the class on clearing the clutter include a section on getting motivated?

Anonymous said...

I had *way* too much fun with this one. :)

I think the Little Mister could help out on that "How to Drive Your Parents Crazy..." class. He is excellent.

And I think I need a lesson in "Clearing the Clutter." *sigh*

Amy Y said...

This is funny at sad at the same time...
I think next time you should plan your road trips during hurricane season so you can have fun whilst evacuating! :)

Mad said...

Our cheap entertainment. Print a colouring page from the internet, perferably an elephant, a unicorn or a Wonder Pets scene (any animal ever saved by the Wonder Pets will suffice). Cut our animal. Colour it. Glue it to a popsicle stick. Enact operatic puppet rescue scene.




Can someone please send my husband home soon?

This was great, as always, PM.

Anonymous said...

Great ideas and dead-on catalog-speak. You have such a great sense of humor.

Glennis said...

I love this!! I learned about your blog from jck at motherscribe! I will be reading your blog some more!

Are you in New Orleans? If so, best of luck to you. We visited there this August, before Gustav. I had a couple posts about our visit on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Could I sign up for the clearing the clutter class? Or could I just invite the class over to my house for some hands-on assignments?

Unknown said...

love this idea.. nice MM. I need a Monday reminder to check on these missions...So, is it wrong that I am thinking of all the people I'd send to these classes??

Sarcasta-Mom said...

Shoot! I totally missed Monday Mission again *slaps self in the forehead*

Great post. I've been doing my own clutter clearing, and I could totally use expert help.

niobe said...

I think, if you actually offered them, you'd get a lot of people signing up for these classes.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

In summary (ie. the dummy guide to parenting), it's SO EASY to drive your parents nuts. :)

Furrow said...

Very well done. Someday I'm going to do one of the Monday Missions. Someday...
Do you have a class on procrastination?

Emily said...

I'm all about the cheap entertainment.

I keep checking in over here, wondering how Ike will affect you guys.

Thinking of you, PM.

Chaotic Joy said...

I want to sign up for the class on throwing a child's birthday party and enjoying it. I honestly didn't know this was possible.