Today my baby graduated from kindergarten. Now, I think that the whole cap and gown thing for a bunch of 5 and 6 year olds is a bit over the top, but they did look adorable, I have to say. My husband is in California on a conference, so I took lots of pictures for him with his new Nikon D40 Digital SLR, and let me just tell you how much better the pictures are than what I get with my little Sony point and click (which I like, but this camera? yowzas!)

The children all sang, loudly and well, I must add. The May Queen DID NOT hike her gown up to her waist when she sat down, of which I was very proud. And I must admit that a few tears were shed by yours truly. My baby is growing up. Yesterday she was given the "Most Improved" award, and today her teacher praised her, particularly her reading, and said she's sure to do well next year (like I ever doubted it!) 

Celebrate, Baby! Happy Graduation! (or as the May Queen likes to say "Gradulation")
congratulations, MQ! she looks lovely in her cap and gown.
yes, it's amazing how quickly the time goes... jack graduates from K on june 6th.
it's crazy.
Congratulation on her Gradulation!
I have a cap and gown photo from my kindergarten grad (circa 1978) and it is a very sweet memento!
Wow! Such a big girl now! And she looks so proud in the pictures. Just priceless.
Congrats to the MQ... tho now I am mad at you because homeschooling moms don't have to think about Kindy graduation and I am now weepy thinking Xan is also 'graduating'. Love the pics... ;)
Happy Graduation pretty girl!
Aww, she is just adorable. As per usual. :)
Glad you like the camera. Isn't it fun? My mom used mine last night, for the first time, and I think she's just a little bit in awe..
Oh that is so adorable. Good for her. My sons school doesn't do anything to commemorate the end of PreSchool (or the start of Grades as my son likes to say). I wish they did. I mentioned it at a school council meeting and they all looked at me like I had horns coming out of my head. :(
Awwwwwww! Happy Gradulation! (which I think is a wonderful hybrid of graduation and congratulations)
BubTar graduates next week and I was telling Josh I will surely have to think of Something Else during the ceremony to keep myself from blubbering like a baby.
awww. gradulation! i am in awe of how quickly it comes, how tall they get, how lovely she is.
Congrats to MQ! She does look adorable in her cap & gown (though that's a crock of baloney that you had to pay for it). I'm glad you got such great photos ~ her daddy is going to be happy to have them!!
I love the milestones in life! They are always so bittersweet!
Congratulations to the MQ! There's something about graduations - they start the music and I'm all weepy! Last Sunday, I was a mess. None of my pictures came out cause I couldn't see anything:(
How adorable, over the top or not!
What a fun thing to do at that age. Gets them thinking positively about graduating from college one day. Great idea.
Ohhhhh - she is so cute. Can you believe she'll be a grade-schooler next year?
My son is her age and just graduated, too. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly it all does fly by!
Oh, I just want to hug her but I would hate to soil the whiteness of it all. Congratulations, MQ.
It does seem silly except that her pride and loveliness make you forget all about it.
she is amazing. precious. perfect.
She is so not 6 years old!!! Seriously, there is a woman brewing in there just a little below the surface. Geez, they grow up so fast!
The pictures are fantastic! Of course, having such an adorable subject really helps. ;) Congrats on the graduation!
HOW ADORABLE is this?! Her face is just shining with joy. Congrats on the big day.
Oh my!! Those photos are perfect! Look at that joy!
Thank you for sharing. Congrats to her.
And you.
Happy Gradulation Miss May Queen!
Great pictures! Congrats to your MQ!
She is adorable.
man i love that last picture. LOVE IT!
we're in school for another three weeks! I can hardly bear it.
They're having the ceremony (followed by cake and juice!) in the evening. Grr. Oh well, the next day is not a school day, right?!
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