Do you think this child is excited to be at Disney?
We stayed with The May Queen's "god-family," some dear, dear friends of ours who live about 15 miles from Disneyland. We met up with one of her other godfathers at the park. Her "god-brother," a 15 year old boy who is just sweet as can be with her (they held hands in the car on the way to the park) skipped school to join us... which was great because he was wheelchair bound after a recent knee surgery. This got us to the front of many lines very, very quickly. I highly recommend taking someone who can't walk with you to Disney. It's the only way to travel.

The May Queen and her Daddy in front of Cinderella's castle, first thing on our first day. We did a few rides (Dumbo, Peter Pan, etc) and then headed to meet the princesses. We knew this was a priority for The May Queen. We attended a little show where the princesses taught the little kids how to bow and curtsey. Later, MQ would talk about this show and say how when the princesses came out we had to "curse them." When I stopped laughing I corrected her. Curtsey.

But look what else they had at the show!! Maypoles!!!!! I had to get a picture for my blog.
We then waited in line to see the princesses. For over an hour. This was the longest line we waited in the whole 2 days we were there. But The May Queen was satisfied.

We both got to meet our favorite princess.

She also met Prince Phillip. She was not so sure about him at first, but now she loves to tell me how he told her that even Sleeping Beauty was a bit nervous the first time she met him. I just thought that was so sweet. Although I know he says that to all the girls.
Unfortunately it was shortly after this that we got the phone call that my husband's brother was dying, in a matter of days. My husband made the decision to leave and try to get a flight home. He didn't make it, and Greg died later that day. The Big Guy was very sad to miss the rest of our first Disney trip (he had never been himself!), but he went home to be with his parents, and it was the right thing for him to do. We stayed on and kept having fun, although we missed him. For a while there it did not feel like the happiest place on earth. But Disney does have a way of making things look brighter, I must confess.
The May Queen was very spoiled by all her godparents, and a little spoiled by us parents, as well. (Another tip - take the godparents with you and go home with more souvenirs than you know what to do with!)

We like to call this picture "Disney First Communion."
Before leaving MQ's Daddy paid to have her face painted. The dress, ears, gloves, purse, wand and Minnie doll were all gifts from the Godparents.
One thing I did not expect was that The May Queen is a roller coaster FIEND. Once she discovered the real rides, that was it. She would pass up a chance to meet a character, saying "after another ride!" We were so pleased to discover she was tall enough to go on everything.
Her favorite was Thunder Mountain. She even rode with her hands up. One time when we rode it she had her little white gloves on, and the ladies behind us just gushed about how cute she was. As soon as we got off she had to go on it again. Space Mountain and Splash Mountain were similar hits. And The Pirates of The Caribbean. She requested it the next day by asking "Can we go on the pirate ride? Yo ho, yo ho?" Too cute.

The water on splash mountain made her face paint run. She loved the water ride at California Adventure, too, even though she got SOAKED. 

Look at that face. Pure glee.

We really had so much fun. I can see why people go back again and again. The May Queen soaked it all up and loved, loved, loved it. I'm so glad we took her at this age. Yes, yes, it's Disney propoganda and merchandising every time you turn around. It's true. But we had a ball. I was grinning all the way home the first night. Although after 2 days I confess to being completely beat. When the May Queen got tired she hitched a ride in the lap of her godbrother. That Cinderella dress left glitter in it's wake, and by the end of the day his crotch glittered. We called it magic, and took pictures, but I'll refrain from posting them here!

It really felt like a magical time, and we were so lucky to get to spend it with some dear friends, as well. And I know we'll go back. Hopefully next time The Big Guy can enjoy it with us.
Wonderful pictures! I'm glad you had a good time, all things considered.
And she is a beautiful princess!
Who would have thought there'd be a maypole there? :)
What great photos! MQ really is just beautiful. I'm sure she'll have many cherished memories from the trip, though I'm sure it must be a little bittersweet for you.
These are wonderful pictures. Thank you for sharing. I LOVE that there was a maypole!!
That looks like SUCH fun!!
How fun! We went to Disney about a year and a half ago, but we didn't get to stay nearly as long as we had wanted. I think KayTar ended up enjoying it more than BubTar, strangely!
Ohmygosh I can't wait!!! I just can not wait!
Great photos!! I bet her cheeks hurt from being that happy! :)
Hopefully you get to go back again in a less dramatic time so BG can stay the whole time...
Oh her highness looks like she had the best time ever!!! I soo want to take my daughter sometime.
oh my does she look like she's having a blast. Glad you had such a wonderful time.
She looks like she's having just the most fabulous time ever--and so do you!!!
Just think, this trip will remain with her FOREVER! She will be referring to this adventure for years and years to come. "I remember when I rode on King Tritan's carousel, had my face painted, dressed in a princess dress, met a prince and the fair Cinderella and Tigger, too! I remember how much my parents LOVED seeing me smile . . . " Awe . . . what wonderful memories.
I love the maypole shot . . . PERFECT!
I'm glad you had such a fun time. I'm a Disney fan.
I can't believe how mature MQ looks, running make-up or not. Yowza. She's a real beauty.
It looks like the MQ had a wonderful time!!
Great pictures. Haven't been to Disney for 9 years, but I think it might be about time for a new visit!
And you know, your daughter is just beautiful :)
I curse princesses all the time!
MQ is adorable. I'm glad you were able to make the best of your trip.
oh good lord, i'm showing these to M tonight, she'll die that someone met her idol. she'll be simply overcome.
Your daughter is so completely charming! I'm so sorry about the Big Guy's brother.
Another great time to do Disney World is when they're 10/11 and can do all the big rides and are still in awe of all of it.
Okay - is that first picture of you or the May Queen running through Disneyland? I'm glad you had a good time and hopefully you can go back and enjoy it again with the Big Guy. Disney is the kind of place to be enjoyed by kids of ALL ages:-)
Love the pictures! I'm so glad you had such a fantastic time!
I loved Disneyland growing up... just loved it. :-)
THAT is magical wrapped in a dream.
*le sigh*
Aww. MQ looks so shy in front of Prince Phillip. So sweet!! She is such a beauty!
It looks like you had a blast. I can't wait to take the boys.
We went 4 years ago, and the girls LOVED it. It truly was magical for them. It was the best trip we have ever taken. Thank you so much for sharing this.
I love "Disney First Communion". Ha. That's hillarious.
What gorgeous, gorgeous pictures - I wish we could take our kids.
GH and I have never been to Disney Land or World, and we've vowed to take the kids. I think it's one of those experiences you just need to have as a kid.
The pictures are great, and I can't believe they had a May Pole! Awsome!
Love the photos, love the princess dress...love the pure joy.
So glad you guys had that good time.
And LMAO about crotch glitter.
you are all completely adorable.
Gotta love "Princess Minnie". :)
And how great that you saw a maypole!! Priceless.
Do you think you can help me convince the Sergeant that the Little Mister might enjoy Disney someday? ;)
I LOVE these pictures, it really make sme want to take a trip there. Everyone looks so happy! I am glad that you had a great time despite the bad news.
How cool to get that Maypole picture! Your daughter looks like she should be living there, she's so happy. What wonderful pictures. I really cracked up over "curse them."
She is so beautiful. What a fun trip, thanks for sharing!
Aww - this Disneyaholic loved seeing your trip! Look at all those wonderful pics! And her in her little "First Visit" pin. =)
"We like to call this picture "Disney First Communion." - hilarious!!
Thanks for sharing!
I had to laugh out loud at the "curse them" comment...becuase when I was young and went to Disneyworld I loved the Pirates ride...I got a cap gun and everything. Then I would run around saying, "Not so fast you bloody person!" instead of avast you bloody pirate!
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