This house listing is brought to you courtesy of Monday Missions. Write your own post in the style of a house listing and leave a link. (bonus points to anyone who can figure out the significance of the MLS number...which, erm, i had typed incorrectly. it has now been fixed - hint:i had to change the first number)
Chantal is offering some prime real estate
Helen has posted a castle
Melissa is hosting an Open House
Alejna wants to help you get past the real estate jargon
De is listing her work in progress
Mr. Linky still doesn't seem to be working with my new blog design, so leave your link in my comments. I'll try to get them into the post as I'm able, but Mondays I'm busy singing and dancing with small children at the preschool, so I may not be too timely. I'll try.
May Monday Missions - write a post in the style of:
5/5: a soap opera update, starting with the words "When we last left off..." (idea thanks to No Mother Earth)
5/12: a personality test (idea thanks to Emily, inspired by Alpha Dogma)
5/19: a list of rules
5/26: a warning label
i know this wasn't the point, but she did a really nice job on that "pad"!
Ooohhh . . . great idea!!!
Awesome pad :)
That is so the UBER pad! I'll bid $340808032432.
I bet that'll sell faster than my hut! It's probably the skylights. Very nice.
What a neat idea. Did the May Queen make it just for this week's mission? I have posted my listing at http://hhg1216.blogspot.com/2008/04/im-off-to-bath.html.
That cat house looks like a fun project!
Here is my submission:
Sorry that link was too long. Here is my main page only:
Perfect! LOL!
Very swank feline fun house indeed!
Ok...I just posted one.
Oh and the cat is very lucky to have such a pad. Custom build, too.
Hello there, Maypole! Haven't visited your blog for a while. Glad I landed here today.
We're thinking of getting a cat since someone told us cats warn owners when an earthquake is about to happen. I'll have to return and check out this pad when we find our kitten.
That was a cute surprise. I've been coming up blank on assignments. Sorry. Back to work now too and little time available. But I promise, I'll play again some day! Pretty new site!
That's a lovely cat house. Heh. Cat house.
Oooooooooo....nice digs!
Okay, I've managed to put up my Mission: a real estate glossary.
I love the kitty house. That is one cool pad, and one very serious looking painter.
loe the artist pic - you can see by her pose she's got style.
nice little hideaway- been looking for one of those - on a slightly larger scale- for my own retreat...
Verrrry nice. And have you priced those fuzzy cat condos? This one will sell right away.
Got mine up today.
Looking forward to next month's missions! Thanks.
will she come paint my house?
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lolikneri havaqatsu
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