The bride wore a lovely, nontraditional pink dress, with blue ribbon accenting her waist, and perfectly matching her shoes. Whimsical flowers adorned her shoulders and the tips of her shoes, and long white gloves added a touch of elegance. Her shock of green hair seemed to cry out in celebration, and the smile never left her face.
She carried a bouquet of white wildflowers picked at twilight by her new life partner, the May Queen, who wore a dress with a wide, tulip adorned collar. She had dyed her own hair purple to compliment the bride's.
Appletini and the May Queen were married at an informal ceremony in the May Queen's kitchen. The bride was given away, via U.S. Mail, by the bride's creator, De. The beaming couple posed for a few pictures before quickly heading off to bed.

This post was part of the Monday Missions, this week's mission is to write a post in the style of a newspaper wedding listing. Many, many thanks to De who surpised me when whe sent this fabulous doll (with a head made from a dried apple. "Appletini," get it? I think MQ has named her something like "green hair, pink dress", but I will prevail!), providing the inspiration for this post. Have your own listing? Post a link to it below.
Upcoming Missions: Write a post in the style of....
4/21 Want Ad
4/28 House listing
Ideas for future Monday Missions wanted! Have an idea for a post style? Let me know (today or any time the idea strikes you!)
Oh, PM, I don't know what I loved more... your post with its lovely words, or the picture of that STUNNING doll!!
I attempted one this week.
Ooooo, I am loving the pink hair!
Great, as always. And so is that De. She's a keeper.
And, uh, sorry but I didn't play along yet again.
I loved this.
Warm wishes and congratulations to the happy couple. I'm sure their relationship will be a long and happy one.
pink hair, pink hair!!
and i love De.
Way too funny... and adorable pics, too!
very cute. That doll is adorable. Love the hair. I am always trying to dye my boys hair red and my hubby gives me a hard time :)
First, your post is great! Had a hard time coming up with something but I tried. Second, sorry I'm such an idiot!!!! This is the second week I screwed up my link on your entry page. I can only hope I've learned something but probably not.
Just adorable.
It reminds me a little of the story (most likely apocryphal) that my mom used to tell about me. I was about four or five, all dressed up and pretending to walk down the aisle. My mother asked what I was doing, and I said I was getting married.
"But where's the groom?" my mother asked.
"Oh," I said "Actually he's not invited. I'm just having a very small wedding."
I love the doll and the May Queen's hair! I have posted my entry for this week's mission.
Green Hair Pink Dress is just perfect. It really fits her, no? *grin*
What a great doll!
Now, THAT is cute.
I just reviewed your profile and I don't think I saw anything about sucker for punishment. Finished Angela's Ashes and onto 'Tis. Are you nuts? I staggered around for a few days after AA afraid (and too guilty) to eat anything...well, not that afraid. Haven't read 'Tis yet but I'll put it on my list. And thanks for the tips! I'm basically a techno-idiot.
Oh the hair dahlingk the hair.....
Very fun
Very clever! And what an awesome doll!
That was so cute! MQ is such a doll. Love the hair!
How adorable! The doll is so neat and look at her magenta hair! My kids are oohing and ahhing and begging. Precious.
Oh my gosh Persistence is walking about saying "Oh that is SO COOL!" I am LOL
They make a very cute couple!
You know, she really IS adorable that little girlie of yours!!
Heidi :)
She names her dolls the way the Boy names his stuffed animals.
How about a Monday Mission in the style of a soap opera update, starting with the words "When we last left off..."?
I love MQ's pink hair!
And that doll... I'm surprised she isn't terrified of it! Eeek!
Love May Queen's hair! How fun is that!
I love the doll!! And MQ looks fabulous with pink hair. :)
Appletini - great name!
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