A friend of mine and I were playing Scrabble on Facebook earlier, and we come up with silly names for each game (why do you have to NAME your games?). I named a new game "undercover" based on something we had been chatting about. Then, these were the first three words played:

Yes, we are easily amused. (And do you know how excited I was to look at my letters and see "coital?" Very.)
Dude. That's AWESOME. Like MORE than awesome. Bwahahaha!
I love that. Why don't I play scrabble with you? I hate naming the games too. My sister and I used to play online elsewhere, and the games just became Undercover 1, Undercover 2, etc.
I actually get some amusement from naming games. I have different name schemes going with different partners. One of my partners named our first game "Game." After that, we've had such names as "Son of Game," "Grandson of Game," "Game Strikes Back," and "Revenge of Game." With another partner, I have a vegetable theme going, but she hasn't latched onto it.
That is the most awesome combination of Scrabble words ever.
SNORT. Wait a minute, you can play Scrabble on FB? I'm off to figure this one out....
P.S. Please get a Painted Maypole Twitter account. You know you need to spend more time on the computer.
I don't understand why more people don't play Scrabble. Such a wholesome game. ;-)
Hehehe! That makes me giggle.
Can you hyphenate words in your version of Scrabble? If so, I suggest building on coital thusly:
adding "post" before the word and "bliss" after.
PS: Been having a hard time making comments on blogger, which is why my "OMG I LOVE MQ's MG sign" is so late in coming. Happy Belated February! (What a month!)
See? this is why I missed reading your blog.
Thanks for the morning smiles. and the angel? wow.
out of the mouth of babes..
and the "secret" that isn't a show? hmmm. You're better than a mystery novel.
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