"Your hair is red."
"I know, I dyed it."
"It's RED."
"I know, I dyed it!"
Many of you have asked for a picture and update on my new dye job.

I tend to be the picture taker in my family, but I was able to find a few of myself among the vacation photos.

The red is most noticable when the light is hitting it just right. This often means that the top of my head is flaming red while the bottom looks almost regular brown.
As I've had it for longer it seems to be settling in; I think it looks more red than it did when I first dyed it.
I don't hate it, but I'll be going back to my regular color. I've noticed that it has changed what I look good in. For instance, red. I love wearing red, and am often told it's a great color on me, but with the new haircolor... not so much. Purple is weird now, too.
People did notice, and I got some compliments and some "um... I don't care for it" (mostly from family). Fortunately it wasn't horrendous.
But I have a new appreciation for brown.
I think it looks good, but I can see how it would alter your wardrobe.
I think it looks really good on you.
But I have always been a fan of brown too. Unfortunately I found that once I dyed my hair red getting back to brown was very hard. I think I am finally back to basic brown.
I had the same problem with red as you did - I needed a whole new wardrobe. I had better luck with a wash-in cherry colour, an almost purply hue. I should try that again sometime...
I like it! But as a brunette, I don't want to argue with your newfound appreciation for brown.
I think it looks great, but I happen to love red hair.
you are adorable, regardless the color
I think the new color looks good on you!! When I was a teenager, for some reason I decided to dye my hair blue-black. Talk about horrendous, I cringe every time I see the pics.
I've never dyed my hair...I'm too afraid of change. LOL.
Blue next. :)
I think it looks great. It's fun to push these barriers of how people expect us to look.
I think it looks good. My haircolor changes depending on what I wear.
i think it's fun
It is fun to try something different once in a while. I have been debating going back to my natural colour although I am afraid of all the gray my colour jobs have been hiding... We will see.
Personally, I adore red hair, and despite many attempts, it will never ever look good on me. You look lovely with it. Wear it well, my friend...
It looks good!
Here's my redhead story: I dyed my hair auburn from the time I was... oh 16? or so and until I was in my early 20s. Then my husband - son of an ACTUAL REDHEAD - asked me to dye my hair something less Oedipal.
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