Yes, that's a tooth!

She finally did it! It's been loose since before we left on our road trip (July 3rd). Daddy kept offering to pull it out for her, and she would decline. But last night she was wiggling it, and making it and the tooth next to it stick straight out (hysterical, only I couldn't get a good picture of it) and I told her that I bet she could pull it right out, just count "1, 2, 3... pull" and apparently she did, because she said "hey... it came out!" It didn't bleed or hurt at all (it was SO loose!) The one right next to it will surely be out in a few days as well.

We put it in an envelope and I suggested we label it [The May Queen]'s Tooth, which she did, then she wanted to add something so it would read "[The May Queen]'s 1st lost tooth"
Good thing the tooth fairy had some money in her purse. ;) And that her daddy just came back from the dentist with a cute little toothy gift bag to put the money in (along with some glitter, of course, even if she does
know that I'm really the tooth fairy)
Yay for the first tooth! She looks so proud. :)
Very, very cute! She is so pretty!
What a big girl she is. And the gappy grin is adorable. :)
so sweet. My oldest son figured out who the tooth fairy was at age 6. He said, "I know mom. It's you at night, dressed up with wings."
I think it's nice he gave me extra credit for putting on a costume - just showing that little bit of extra effort as a mom.
Aww!!! I never thought about glitter. That'll be next. April is about to lose #4; both bottom front ones have come out, and now one top tooth is out and the other is loose.
DANG is she ever cute
Huge milestone! I think we all swallowed our first loose tooth and were so upset, especially the younger ones because their mean older siblings told them that the tooth fairy didn't come if you swallowed your teeth.
Congrats to MQ!!
Be aware ~ once one falls out, they all just keep coming right after it. You'll have a jack~o~lantern for a daughter for the foreseeable future!
BubTar lost 6 last school year! Crazy.
Congratulations to the May Queen!
Such a milestone...She looks SO pleased with that cute smile with missing tooth.
First grade and a first lost tooth!?! Too much to bear.
What a joyous smile she has! And I'm sure that will continue, toothless or no. How is she liking first grade so far?
That MQ is a living doll. And that smile is so contagious. Congrats on her mouth of a milestone!
Gawd, I love all the little milestone posts that populate the momosphere. They make me feel warm all over.
those pics are ADORABLE!!!!
She looks like such a big girl now!
My Girl lost her 1st tooth 3 days after MQ. You can read about it on my blog! Pretty funny huh?
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