Saturday, December 8, 2007

Another opening, another show...

Tonight was opening night for our Dickensian Christmas extravaganza. Opening night is stretching it a bit since we've had 5 performances for school groups prior to this, as well as an "actors appreciation" night where we invited other local actors to see the show at a discounted price - but it was our first performance where we sold tickets to the general public. It was a lovely and appreciative crowd who gave us a standing ovation. And not just when Scrooge came out for his bow... they stood up right away, for the gads of other people who are little more than talking scenery for the one man show that is A Christmas Carol. Standing ovations are nice.

The show is, I think, quite good, and has many talented people in the cast. I don't have nearly the same kind of stories about it as I do the opera, since it's in my own language and no director is saying to me "Sex!" It's not as challenging and therefore not as satisfying as the opera was (I can't believe I'm saying that, but it's true) but I am very glad I'm doing it. The director has already said she wants to work with me again, the artistic director is thrilled that I stepped in and am doing so well, I've met several local actors (some of whom also direct) I've wanted to work with for a while, and I'm getting some reading done backstage. There are a lot of really fun people in the show, and I am hoping that this is the start of some good professional and personal relationships.

The theatre community here isn't very big, and even though I've done several shows here already, I feel like this show may be the true "foot in the door," the show that leads to other shows that leads to other shows, etc. I have always been a firm believer that work begets work, and so far it has proven true.

And I got a nice big laugh tonight, just from one little look. Fun.

don't forget Monday's mission for a fun with photoshop post.


Run ANC said...

Foot in the door shows are great. So are laughs. congrats.

carrie said...

I'm standing up and "ovating" for you!


Family Adventure said...

That's awesome PM! I'm sure the standing O was very well deserved :)


the dragonfly said...

First...that title, it's from something. It's driving me nuts that I can't think of it. Either that or it's not from something and I'm losing my mind. Which is certainly possible.

And now other things..

I'm glad you're enjoying the show. And it's great that you're making good relationships with other people in the theatre community. Yay!!

And you know I'd stand up and cheer for you too. :) :) :)

Furrow said...

A laugh from a look is quite an accomplishment. Heck of a difficult thing to pull off on stage. Congrats!

Beck said...

Hooray! And I hope there are many more acting roles to follow.

Girlplustwo said...

you rocker chick, you.

missed you xo

Maddy said...

Such boundless talents!

This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.

Emily said...

As I was reading the post, I started thinking -- "Her career is starting to take off." Then I got to the "foot in the door" part. I guess we think alike!

Rima said...

I'm so glad you're finding the project worthwhile. For someone who lives in a place where the theater community is not that big, you seem to be keeping pretty busy!

Jennifer said...

I hear you on the stress (let's both remember to breathe?). But hooray for a fun and successful show. Good for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, congratulations. What an exciting feeling, that foot in the door. More early Christmas presents!

Unknown said...

how exciting!
I should send you the screenplay I wrote- about a love-hate relationship between competitive dogwalkers in ATL.. we had pro actors read it and we taped the reading-- that would be good potential work for you-- also VOICEOVERS.. ever think about that.. oh and hey, do ya need an agent?
heh heh

Badness Jones said...

Yay you! Fingers crossed!

Suz said...

YAY! I can't imagine how much fun it is to do this type of work!

BipolarLawyerCook said...

Love feet in the door, love getting laughs. Hooray!

Amy Y said...

How cool for you! :) Someday when you are famous, I hope you will remember me as on of your biggest fans ~ who only ever got to see your commercial. :)

niobe said...

Wow. I wish we could all see one of your performances.

Julie Pippert said...

I believe work begets work, too. And especially for someone who is so well-received. So good luck on future things!!

Using My Words

Chaotic Joy said...

I am so glad to read this Maypole. It's nice to see that the craziness and stress from the previous post has all been worth it. A laugh from a look is a very gratifying experience indeed. Good for you!

Anonymous said...

thats wonderful!! Hopefully it will take off. Clapping and Standing O for you.

SusieJ said...

I'm doing a standing ovation for you!! Great job Susiej

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

I'm so proud of you! I'm giving you a virtual ovation as well PM. I'm not surprised after seeing that commercial. :) KUDOS!

Jen said...


Kyla said...

That's great, PM!

Anonymous said...

Good on ya!