Saturday, July 21, 2007

Move it, Buddy

When I am driving in the car and another driver does something I don't like I don't honk (unless it's really dangerous) or swear or do rude hand gestures. No, I call the person "Buddy," as in "Buddy, are you planning to turn or not?" or "The accelerator is the one on the right, Buddy." (If I can clearly tell the driver is a woman I will say "Lady" instead, but "Buddy" is the go to term)

I didn't realize how much I did this until yesterday, when I was in a parking lot and the car in front of me stopped inexplicably and just sat there. "What are you doing?" I wondered out loud. From the backseat I heard MQ say "I think he's a Buddy."



blooming desertpea said...

This reminds me of one incident which goes back to the time when my daughter was 2.
I was driving somewhere with her in the back and if there is something I hate on the road, it is slow drivers. At some point I say - "OMG, it's Grandpa sitting on the steering wheel" (I meant: another old man driving) and my little one replies - "Where is he?" - That really cracked me up! said...

:) You have to be careful in the car, don't you? At least "Buddy" is a decent word. I've heard my 1 year old saying "Oh My God!" in the car... oops. I have now vehemently switched to "Oh my gosh!" and she has copied but they always hear (and repeat) the stuff you would rather they didn't!

Chaotic Joy said...

Ha!! Very funny!

S said...


My kids know that nothing gets their mother angrier than traffic and bad drivers. And I have said much, much worse than "Buddy."

Julie Pippert said...


Oh my...that is priceless!

thirtysomething said...

Heheeee. I am so guilty of fussing in the car at the idiots on the road. And I say much worse than Buddy (although I am trying to break this habit), so you are doing ok. There are plenty of "buddy"s out there to be sure.

Lainey-Paney said...


MQ is going to think that "buddy" is some kind of name to use in a name-calling match!

Girlplustwo said...

HA! buddy is the safest route you could choose.

ewe are here said...

heh heh

I have a similar tale...

little sponges, they are.

Magpie said...


A few years ago, there was a piece in the New Yorker, the subject of which eludes me. However, there was a line, while they were in a car going somewhere, stuck behind some slow pokes, "ah, another member of the anti-destination league". Buddies, indeed.

Christine said...

oh my god i'm a buddy. . .

niobe said...

Heh. I say Buddy too. As well as, uh, lots of other things.