Sunday, July 27, 2008

Shark in the Water

It's Shark Week!!!
(join the obsession. you know you want to)


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Is Mike Rowe narrating Shark Week again? If so, hellza-yeah!

S said...

ooh, Mike Rowe. but only with his cap on.

Melissa said...

mmmmmm.....Mike Rowe.....

I've got Mythbusters on in the background. I heart shark week!

flutter said...

my favorite week of all

the dragonfly said...


Shark Week is so far away (aka I can't get normal tv here in Germany).


Chrissy said...

So funny. I saw this shark cake on flickr and thought of you.

E said...

You and my daughter. We nicknamed her Sharky on our last beach vacation since all she could talk about were sharks scaring her little brother half to death. She is on a beach now and I am emailing her your post.

Kat said...

I just got a chill up my back.

niobe said...

Love that photo.

And, just so you know, whenever I hear anything about sharks, I automatically think of you.