Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Long Live the Queen

"The fence is to keep the King out of her bedroom."

"The King is not allowed in the Queen's bedroom?"

"Not at night. He can go in there during the day to do stuff. Like make the bed."

"Make the bed?"

"Yeah. The King makes the Queen's bed."

Playing castle with The May Queen was a hoot today.


thailandchani said...

LOL! That's funny!

By the way, meant to ask you... have you had a chance to read The Shack yet? :)


Mary Beth said...

Oh I'm liking this King. That is a riot. I hope you remember this when she starts dating and can show it to her to remind her of how her kind is to behave!

amanda said...

Love the May Queen's outlook...

Jen said...

You BET the king makes the queen's bed. After he's fetched her coffee, of course.

Rima said...

That's hilarious!

Sometimes it's not a bad idea to keep the King out of the bedroom (unless, of course, he's making the bed.)

Kat said...

Where can I get me a king like that? ;)

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Ah, that's a classic. You must be speaking of Burger KING, because my King doesn't do that. :)

the dragonfly said...


Wish the Sergeant would make our bed. Or help make our bed. Or not complain that making the bed is a waste of energy and time...


Amy Y said...

Would you please ask her highness where I might find a King like that?

JCK said...

Your May Queen definitely has her priorities straight. Love it! Please tell her she has fans of major proportions.

Girlplustwo said...

while the queen eats her cake!

Woman in a Window said...

It took me a second to figure out it was Maypole narrating. Thought that was you and I was reading into that...making the bed, eh?

Run ANC said...

Can you tell me where to find one of those kinds? I sure could use one.

carrie said...

Yeah, I need one of those, whatdoyoucallit, Kings? :)

Kyla said...

Hilarious. The King does the dishes and cooks around here.

niobe said...

Love it.

Magpie said...

i take it you were the king?