I had my first headshots taken in Chicago in 1995 (or late 94, I forget...), when I was a junior in college. I sent them out to tons of summer repertory theatres, and used them for the first few years out of college. Wow, do I look young.

In 1997 or 98 I had them taken again, in Philadelphia, by a guy who took production photos of a show I did. I had assumed I would go with the one guy who seemed to take all the headshots in town, but when I went in to meet with him he was such a jerk that I couldn't do it, and asked this other guy.
The shots I had taken in Los Angeles are my favorites, and I've been using them for far too long. This shot was taken just outside the photographers back door of his home in the valley. (it also scans in with really high contrast, for some reason)
For Christmas my husband got a new, really good (and not cheap!) camera, and I thought that I would have him try taking some new pictures of me. So one day we played around a bit, and although the pictures weren't BAD, they weren't quite as good as I wanted. Which we expected on the first go. We just hadn't gotten around to the second go yet, but as I said, I picked the best one and tried to make it work, so the pictures would be more representative of what I look like now. So there you have it ... 4 different headshots spanning over 13 years. Yikes. They are a great example, I just noticed, looking at them like this, of what I do with my hair. I grow it out, I get sick of it and chop it off to about chin length, then remember how I can never get the hair to all point the same direction, and let it grow again. Until I get sick of it once more...
and in regards to Monday's audition.... the way a general audition like this works is that a bunch of directors from various theatres show up and watch, hoping to find some new talent/people to work with. Then as shows come up they look over their notes and call people they liked and think might be appropriate for the show to come in and audition FOR THE SHOW. So it's not like I'll be getting a call this week, and when and if I do get a call it will likely be for further auditions, not with an offer of a part. It could be 6 months before someone calls, as a result from this audition. So there's no time frame. I will be following up to all the theatres with cards, for that personal touch.
(Laskigal - it was Eleanor, the Duchess... "Why droops my Lord, like overripened corn...", Act 1 scene 2)
and still no news on the helicopter musical.
If I'm being honest? You have gotten better looking with age. Honestly! You are beautiful!
And your head shots are FAR BETTER than mine. I will not DARE post mine.
babe! i love that you did this.
I love it!
and YOU! you were adorable in college but you are smoking now, sister. your eyes, hair...hot mama, you.
thank you for indulging me. xo
beautiful. just beautiful.
Very nice photos. I love those kind of photos. I always put one on top of the other in the frame and when I go to add a new one I get to look back at all the old ones. Fun.
This was fun. You look fabulous.
Love it!! You are so pretty!
Wow, you're gorgeous. In all of them. I like the contrasty one best because if it were a painting, you'd want some lines to disappear for the eye to connect it. Not like you're auditioning for a canvas or anything...
Oh what fun. Look at you wearing the v-necks and neutrals and doing everything right. We have a photographer friend who has taken a head shot of Miss M every year since she was born. I was going to wait until he does this August's version and then post them 'cause they are fun and someday when she is an actor (which she will be at 22 she tells me but only after being a Tyrannosaurus at 11) she will have had head shots from birth. Imagine how you would see all your fine lines then?
Thanks for sharing ~ beautiful smile, Mama! :)
Your getting better with age! Hubba Hubba.
Gorgeous pictures! I think with digital we have a lot of options these days in terms of professionals versus what our friends/spouses/family members can do.
Girl. You are BEAUTIFUL. The older you got, the more beautiful you became!
Gorgeous head shots--all of them!
You, gorgeous you! How do you not age, yet look more gorgeously you in each successive picture? Not fair. ;)
And I'm late to the b-day party but YAY for your blog and congrats on turning one! Whee!
Fantastic. And amazing how you don't really seem to age at all - wow!
You AND your hair are gorgeous!
Wow, that first shot was a young you! Strange, isn't it, to see these progressions that make us the us of this moment. I can see a differene in that last shot, maybe because it was your husband who was taking it. Maybe it's just my imagination. I can see a connection...
I like the LA shot the best. Was your hair darker too, or is that just the high contrast of the photo? It suits you. Although you look good with both lengths, I think I prefer the chin length (we have similar hair dilemmas...I let it grow out till I can't stand it anymore, then cut it back to a bob, then I'm sad cause I can't do long hairstyles anymore.)
Going to read about your other audition now. Keep me posted on the helicopter one -- I still think you're perfect for it!
Good luck... I have my fingers crossed for you. The LA photo is the best.. but I liked the one your husband took too.
You are gorgeous! And I still crack up about the commercial where it's the middle of the night and you (or your tv husband) have a cold or can't sleep or something. . . I can't remember the product, but you will forever be ingrained in my mind that way! :)
You have fabulous hair!
I was 10 when you had your first headshots done. Heh.
You are just lovely!
How is it possible that you have gotten even better looking with each shot??? I love the shorter hair on you, but then again, I now have short hair (I may be partial).
I am so pulling for you!!!
Thanks for telling me about the act/scene. It would have driven me nuts with wonder . . . now I have to go look it up :)
Those are great shots! Thanks for sharing. :)
Beautiful. Your smile makes ME smile. Pretty pretty you.
gotta say, the hubby did a good job with his shot- you can put in some more contrast with a photo shop product if you want.. and maybe next time, don't wear a top that looks like my bathrobe ;-) hee hee
Lovely MP. Everyone one of them is just lovely.
I would love to come over and try to take some headshots of you. Not sure if I can do better, but would love to try! Call me.
Oh, these are great! What a cool post. Your first headshot with the head tilt I recognize so well. I'll have to round up my old headshots and see if I'm remembering it correctly.
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