This has been a Monday Mission, a post written in the style of a want ad. Write your own Monday Mission and post a link to your post in the widget below:
(If the widget doesn't appear - leave a note in the comment and I'll add links in)
- I'm being held hostage is looking for some help
-Melissa at Taking what is Left has her own time sensitive search
-Mary Beth at is good has a sports themed want ad
-Helen could truly use some online help
Next week's mission, to write a post in the style of a house listing. And thanks to those who have given me ideas for future Monday Missions. Keep those ideas coming.
And look! My want ad has been answered (OK, OK, you caught me. I had been working on this already....) Don't you just LOVE my new blog design? I am SO excited about it. It makes me feel happy and all spring-like. I was going to wait to unveil it until May Day, but I'm too excited. So instead, think of it as an invitation to come back here and celebrate May Day with me. What will we be doing? Well, besides dancing around the maypole, I'm not entirely sure, but I think there may be a giveaway involved. Hmmm... So come back May 1st and check it out.
In the meantime, check out Ashley at The Cutest Blog on the Block, who did this stunning design. She has lots of free templates on her blog, or you can have her custom do one for you. She's a miracle worker. She took this rough crayon drawing of mine...

(please ignore the train coloring sheet that was on the back of the paper and showed through when I scanned it...)
...and turned it into this template. Genius. So what are you waiting for? Go spruce up your own blog. It's blogher ad revenue well spent.
Oh wait. Leave me a comment about how much you love it first, THEN go check her out. :)
WOW, this looks great! Fantastic Idea, (drawing), and Terrific follow through by Ashley! Revenue well spent.
Bet Ashley gets lots of business after "we all" see this!
It really is very pretty! Very nice! I may have to check with Ashley, too, since I need a new banner. (Changing the name of my site.)
Your blog looks fantastic! It fits you perfectly!
Isn't it fun to have something just uniquely for you! ;)
This is really cute-- what a nice surprise since I was just here last night and it was your regular one. Congrats on finding such a cute maypole for your blog!
I'm also doing the Monday Mission, btw.
So pretty and bright! I love the new design. By the way, I still have that Safety Dance song in my head two days later. thanks.
Gorgeous colorful new look! She did a great job!
perfect for you. wonderful!
So pretty and colorful!
Oh I LOVE it!!! It is so perfectly YOU! Beautiful design!
'tis perfect! And I was here last night, too, and saw the old one. This is so nice.
I have a MM as well. :)
This is absolutely perfect for you and very springy indeed. Congrats to the blogger and the artist! :)
Love it, love it, love it. And I'm glad you posted it today b/c I will be away on May Day and would have missed its official unveiling.
OH MY GOODNESS. Gorgeous Maypole. And so perfectly you. Love it!
I love the new design. It reminds me of Spring and such a nice surprise when your page opened. Since there is no widget, my Monday Mission is up at
Beautiful! I've gone to three different blogs today to fine them looking newly spiffied up. Must be the blogosphere's version of spring cleaning.
I Love, Love, LOVE your new look! So fresh and new! I'm very jealous. I've posted my monday mission - Mr. Linky is not in evidence. Here's my link -
Have a great monday:)
I ADORE your new look. It's so unique and different from anything else I've seen out there.
When I come back to Canada and redo my blog, I am definitely going to be checking out Ashley. Thanks for the tip :)
Happy Monday - and Monday Mission - to you!
It's beautiful. Did you do it?
I so need to revamp my site. It's annoying me to pieces.
TOTALLY Beautiful,Painted Maypole! I SOOOOO love it!
Of course, I am on my way blog could use a little sprucing up too!
Oooh. Glitzy. Very nice.
I'd comment more but your google ad says My Pretty Mexican Bride awaits me. Gosh. Does she know how to make tamales?
So light and happy! I like it.
ok you have the sassiest blog, ever.
i love it.
Fabulous. Perfect for spring. And joyful like its owner....
I LOVE it! It does feel so joyful and wonderful!
Ooo - it's so pretty! And cheerful! And fun! It's making me! Use! Lots of exclamations!
Love it.
Love it sooo much. (actually, for a second I thought I had somehow clicked on the wrong link). I think the world would be a better place (in a very small way) if everyone with a standard template personalized it, even if just a tiny bit.
This is beautiful!
Fabulous, PM - just lovely!
I do love it, Mama! I will check her out! Thanks for the tip... I've been wanting to do some changing at my place, too.
I love it and am SO JEALOUS. I need someone to do my website- AND my blog, I just have commitment issues- to the ideas, not the people, mind you.
It's really fun - and I may just go check her stuff out!
It is perfect. It is so YOU!!! LOVE IT! I'm so happy . . .
Wow - incredible!
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